DOY_HOY - [source code]

Use this component to calculate the day of the year and hour of the year from an input date with a day of the month, month of the year and hour of the day. -


  • days [Default]
    A number (or list of numbers) between 1 and 31 that represents the day(s) of the month.
  • months [Default]
    A number (or list of numbers) between 1 and 12 that represents the month(s) of the year.
  • hours [Default]
    A number (or list of numbers) between 1 and 24 that represents the hour(s) of the day.


  • HOY
    The hour of the year on which the input date and time fall.
  • DOY
    The day of the year on which the input date falls.
  • date
    The input information written out as a full date and time text string.

Check Hydra Example Files for DOY_HOY

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