Residential Hot Water - [source code]

Use this component to calculate domestic hot water consumption for each hour during a year, for a single family household (house). - Component based on paper: "Modeling patterns of hot water use in households", Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory; Lutz, Liu, McMahon, Dunham, Shown, McGrue; Nov 1996: -


  • epwFile [Required]
    Input .epw file path by using the "File Path" parameter, or Ladybug's "Open EPW And STAT Weather Files" component.
  • totalNumberOfPersons [Required]
    Total number of persons in a household.
  • numberOfPreSchoolChildren [Optional]
    Number of preschool children(0-5) in household. - If not supplied, default value: 0 (no preschool children) will be used.
  • numberOfSchoolChildren [Optional]
    Number of school age(6-13) children in household. - If not supplied, default value: 0 (no school children) will be used.
  • numberOfAdults [Optional]
    Number of adults (14 years and older) in household. - If not supplied, it will be equal to _totalNumberOfPersons.
  • numberOfAdultsAtHome [Optional]
    Number of adults that stay at home during a day. - If not supplied, default value: 0 (no adults at home) will be used.
  • seniorOnly [Optional]
    Senior only household. - If not supplied, default value: False (not senior only household) will be used.
  • dishWasher [Optional]
    A household owns a dish washer. - If not supplied, default value: True (a household owns a dish washer) will be used.
  • clothsWasher [Optional]
    A household owns a cloths washer. - If not supplied, default value: True (a household owns a cloths washer) will be used.
  • payUtilityBill [Optional]
    Household occupants pay a utility bill. Tenants who pay their own utility bills in general, tend to spend less, then those who do not. - If not supplied, default value: True (household occupants pay their utility bill) will be used.
  • firstWeekStartDay [Optional]
    A day of week on which a year starts (1 - Monday, 2 - Tuesday, 3 - Wednesday...) - If not supplied, default value: 1 will be used (year starts on Monday, 1st January).
  • weekendDays [Optional]
    Define a list of two weekend (nonworking) days. Through out the World, countries have different days as their weekend days: - Thursday and Friday (4,5) Friday and Saturday (5,6) Saturday and Sunday (6,7) - If not supplied, Saturday and Sunday (6,7) will be taken as a default weekend days.
  • holidayDays [Optional]
    List of days (1 to 365) which are holiday (nonworking) days. - Here is an example holiday days list for August: 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243 - If not supplied, no holiday days will be used.
  • deliveryWaterTemperature [Optional]
    Required (set) water temperature. It is recommended for delivery water temperature to not be lower than 60°C (140°F) to avoid the risk of propagation of Legionella pneumophila bacteria. - Electric water heater used as a default. - If not supplied, default value: 60°C (140°F) will be used. - In Celsius degrees.
  • coldWaterTemperaturePerHour [Optional]
    Cold (inlet) water temperature supplied from public water system, for each hour during a year. In Celsius. To calculate it, use the "coldWaterTemperaturePerHour" output of the Ladybug "Cold Water Temperature" component. - If not supplied, it will be calculated based on Christensen and Burch method (method 1 from "Cold Water Temperature" component), with pipes depth from 0.3 to 1 meters, and unknown soil type. - In Celsius degrees.
  • runIt [Required]


  • readMe!
  • heatingLoadPerHour
    Thermal energy (or electrical energy) required to heat the domestic hot water consumption for each hour during a year. - In kWh.
  • hotWaterPerHour
    Domestic hot water consumption for each hour during a year. - In L/h (Liters/hour).
  • hotWaterPerYear
    Domestic hot water consumption for a whole year. - In L (Liters).
  • averageDailyHotWaterPerYear
    Average daily hot water consumption for a whole year. - In L/day (Liters/day).
  • maximumDailyConsumption
    Maximal hot water consumption per day during a year. - In (L/day) Liters/day.
  • maximumConsumptionDay
    Day with maximal hot water consumption.
  • minimumDailyConsumption
    Minimal hot water consumption per day during a year. - In (L/day) Liters/day.
  • minimumConsumptionDay
    Day with minimal hot water consumption.

Check Hydra Example Files for Residential Hot Water

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