ENVI-Met Read Library - [source code]
This component let you select materials from ENVI-Met library. -
dataType [Required]
Connect an integer from 0 to 6. - 0 = soil 1 = profile 2 = material 3 = wall 4 = source 5 = plant 6 = plant3D - Default value is 0.keyword [Default]
Connect a keyword to filter data. E.g. 'asphalt' (_dataType = 0)
ENVI-Met soil ID.soilData
0 = Id 1 = Description 2 = Versiegelung 3 = Water Contentat Saturation 4 = Water Content At Field Cap 5 = WaterContentWiltingPoint6 = Matrix Potential 7 = Hidraulic Conductivity 8 = Volumetric HeatCapacity 9 = Clapp Constant 10 = Heat Conductivity 11 = Group 12 = Color