Recolor Mesh - [source code]

Use this component to re-color a mesh with new a numerical data set whose length corresponds to the number of faces in the _inputMesh. This component is useful if you have post-processed any of the numerical data out of the Ladybug components using Grasshopper math components. It is also necessary to view results from the Ladybug Real Time Radiation Analysis. -


  • analysisResult [Required]
    A numerical data set whose length corresponds to the number of faces in the _inputMesh. This data will be used to re-color the _inputMesh.
  • inputMesh [Required]
    An already-colored mesh from one of the Ladybug components which you would like to re-color based on data in the _analysisResult.
  • heightDomain [Optional]
    Optional height domain to create a 3D mesh result. Use Construct Domain component to create a domain
  • lowBoundColor [Optional]
    A color representing the higher boundary of the legend's numerical range, use the Swatch component to specify a color.
  • highBoundColor [Optional]
    A color representing the lowest boundary of the legend's numerical range, use the Swatch component to specify a color.
  • legendPar [Optional]
    Optional legend parameters from the Ladybug Legend Parameters component. Legend Parameters can be used to change the colors, numerical range, and/or number of divisions of any Ladybug legend along with the corresponding colored mesh.
  • analysisTitle [Optional]
    Text representing a new title for the re-colored mesh. If no title is input here, the default will read "unnamed."
  • legendTitle [Optional]
    Text representing a new legend title for re-colored mesh. Legends are usually titled with the units of the _analysisResult. If no text is provided here, the default title will read "unkown units."
  • bakeIt [Optional]
    An integer that tells the component if/how to bake the bojects in the Rhino scene. The default is set to 0. Choose from the following options: 0 (or False) - No geometry will be baked into the Rhino scene (this is the default). 1 (or True) - The geometry will be baked into the Rhino scene as a colored hatch and Rhino text objects, which facilitates easy export to PDF or vector-editing programs. 2 - The geometry will be baked into the Rhino scene as colored meshes, which is useful for recording the results of paramteric runs as light Rhino geometry.
  • layerName [Optional]
    If bakeIt_ is set to "True", input Text here corresponding to the Rhino layer onto which the resulting mesh and legend should be baked.


  • readMe!
  • newMesh
    A new mesh that has been re-colored based on the _analysisResult data.
  • newLegend
    A new legend that that corresponds to the colors of the newMesh. Connect this output to a grasshopper "Geo" component in order to preview this legend separately in the Rhino scene.
  • legendBasePt
    The legend base point, which can be used to move the legend in relation to the newMesh with the grasshopper "move" component.
  • meshColors
    The colors associated with each face of the newMesh.
  • legendColors
    The colors associated with each segment of the newLegend.

Check Hydra Example Files for Recolor Mesh

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