Import Ground Temp - [source code]

Use this component to visualise ground temperatures throughout the year at specific depths. Please note that epw files usually only provide ground temperature data at depths 0.5 meters, 2 meters and 4 meters thus data has been interpolated for all other depths. In particular this interpolation assumes that ground temperatures do not vary over the seasons once the depth has reach 9 meters below the ground surface. -


  • epwFile [Required]
    An .epw file path on your system as a string
  • visualisedata_Season []
    Set to true to visualise the ground temperature data as an average for every season
  • visualisedata_Month []
    Set to true to visualise the ground temperature data for every month


  • readMe!
  • groundtemp1st
    In every epw file there are monthly ground temperatures at 3 different depths this is the 1st
  • groundtemp2nd
    In every epw file there are monthly ground temperatures at 3 different depths this is the 2nd
  • groundtemp3rd
    In every epw file there are monthly ground temperatures at 3 different depths this is the 3rd
  • profileCrvs
    This output draws the curves of the temperature curves connect it to G of the Grasshopper component Custom Preview
  • crvColors
    This output draws the colours of the temperature curves connect it to S of the Grasshopper component Custom Preview
  • graphAxes
    This output draws the axes of the graph it doesn't need to be connected to anything
  • graphtext
    This output draws the text of the graph it doesn't need to be connected to anything
  • Legend
    Script variable Importgroundtemp

Check Hydra Example Files for Import Ground Temp

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