Read HVAC Sizing - [source code]
This component parses an .eio file from an energy simulation and brings in the sizes of all of the HVAC equipment. -
eioFile [Required]
The file address of the eio file that comes out of the "Honeybee_Lookup EnergyPlus Folder" component.keywords [Optional]
Optional keywords that will be used to search through the outputs.
Text describing the meaning of the zonePeakLoadVals below.zonePeakLoadVals
The sum of the zone's peak sensible loads on the design days. These are eventually used to size the HVAC equipment that delivers heating/cooling to the zones.zoneSizingObjs
Text describing the meaning of the zoneSizingValues below.zoneSizingValues
The zone's peak sensible loads multiplied by their respective design "safety" factors (set on the "Energy Simulation Par" component). These safety factors are used to slightly oversize zone heating/cooling equipment and is standard ASHRAE practice.systemSizingObjs
Text describing the meaning of the systemSizingVals below.systemSizingVals
Values denoting the size of various central HVAC system elemts (like the primary air loop flow rates).componentSizObjs
Text describing the meaning of the componentSizVals below.componentSizVals
Values denoting the size of various zone HVAC components (like zone terminal sizes, heating/cooling coil sizes, lengths of chilled beams, etc.).coolDesignDayLoad
The sum of the load that must be reomved from the space at every timestep of the cooling design day.heatDesignDayLoad
The sum of the load that must be added to the space at every timestep of the heating design day.