Set Zone Properties - [source code]
Use this component to set HBZone properties By default these values will be automatically calculated by EnergyPlus. -
HBZones [Required]
Input HBZones.multiplier [Optional]
A list of zone multipliers for each zone.ceilingHeight [Optional]
A list of ceilings height for each zone.volume [Optional]
A list of zone volumes for each zone.inConvAlg [Optional]
A list of Inside Surface Convection Algorithm for each zone. Simple, TARP, CeilingDiffuser, AdaptiveConvectionAlgorithm, TrombeWall.outConvAlg [Optional]
A list of Outside Surface Convection Algorithm for each zone. Simple, TARP, CeilingDiffuser, AdaptiveConvectionAlgorithm, TrombeWall.partOfArea [Optional]
A list of Boolean for each zone. By default Zone area will be included in total floor area.
Modified HBZones.